Thread #945
Which distribution supports most of the packets we need?
Added by Andrea Zoli over 11 years ago.
Updated over 11 years ago.
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(Total: 0.00 h)
I've attached the research i've done so far.
Still to investigate python3 support for packages like pyroot, chaco, etc..
- File dist-packages-v2.pdf added
Added an updated version.
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The stable packages on Debian are 1-2 years old, ex. cmake august 2012, cfitsio jul 2012, gsl nov 2011, matplotlib oct 2012.
The default packages on CentOS are 3-4 years old, ex. cmake may 2009, cfitsio mar 2010, gsl mar 2010, matplotlib nov 2009.
matplotlib is present on centos. Updated the pdf.
Which distribution support a real-time kernel?
Real-time kernels images are supported by all distribution. There are kernel images, that are packages called kernel-rt-3.2.x or you can build the realtime kernel from sources.
I have found a news about CentOS repositories at
There is a third part repository handled by the Fedora Team that allows CentOS to use lastest Fedora packages if needed.
The repository is called Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL).
Distributions compatible with ADC (only for internal note)
Per ASTRI, SL 6.x e' l'unico OS su cui abbiamo testato ACS, e non saremo in grado di dare supporto per altre versioni, anche se dovrebbe funzionare su RHEL 6.x e CentOS 6.x.
Ufficialmente, RHEL 5.x e' l'unico OS validato dal gruppo di ACS a ESO. Pero', gira su tutti i cloni di RHEL 5.x, cioe', SL 5.x, CentOs 5.x.
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