


Frictionless Commenting

The Frictionless Commenting is a shorter review and comment cycle between analyst and end-users.
the analyst can create its VP project then send it to the reviewers for comments.

There are many mode to use the commenting function. Following is showed a simple tutorial to comments a project:

1. Create the VP project with some diagrams;
2. Export the project in *elp file (File -> ElaborView Manager -> Local -> Esport to ElaborView Project ). It can be selected one or more diagram to send.
3. Send this file to reviewers and waiting the comments.

END-USER (Reviewers)
The reviewers must be installed at once the ElaborView Client from the official web site (
There are two version available: install / no install. The latter is useful for try the software. It must be remember to execute the install version with administrator privieleges, otherwise it does not work.

1. Receive the *.elp file to comments;
2. Open the ElaborView Client (installedFolder -> bin -> ElaborView 10.0);
3. Open the file received (Local -> Import Project ) and select the *.elp file;
4. Comments the diagrams with available tools;
5. Export the Project (using the bottom button) and send the file *_User_Date_Commented.elp to the Analyst;

It is reccomend to acticate the show title bar (Local -Z Show title bar and border) that is more useful.


a. Receive the file commented;
b. In Visual Paradigm Open the ElaborView Manager (File -> ElaborView Manager);
c. In the local panel click to "Import form ElaborView Project";
d. select the file commented (*_User_Date_Commented.elp);
e. Open its project diagram thath now display also the imported comments.

The commenting process can be repeat more and more time.

As attachment is reported the ElaborView Guide taken from Visual Paradigm web site.

How to version the comments

All comments files must be put in the svn repository using the follow rules:

  1. Before to create the .elp file for comments, the project must be tagged;
  2. The name of exporting .elp file must be as projectName_tag.elp;
  3. Who commnents the file must be rename the file name as projectName_tag_surname.elp
  4. Each .elp file must be put into a corresponding svn folder (Each project owner must be createad also a repository of comments).